Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Yellow Wallpaper And The Rest Cure - 820 Words

â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† and The Rest Cure The rest cure was one of the treatments given to women with hysteria. The narrator in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, experienced the treatment and the outcome of the treatment. In my belief, the rest cure was somewhat a form of punishment toward the narrator and other women in the Victorian Era, in the 1900s. From the beginning of the short story, the narrator stated that her husband John was a physician of high standing and that he prescribed her rest, the rest cure. (Gilman 553) Her condition was hysteria a very common diagnosis in women in the 1900s. The rest cure was the one of the preferred treatments in that era. The rest cure meant that she had to stay isolated from family and friends for three months, placed on a fatty, milk-based diet, and forbidden to work. (Gilman 553) I believe all of these things led her to go insane. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† took place in the late 1900s. In t he Victorian Era, a woman’s sole purpose in life was to bear children and make their husbands happy. Also, women dressed in very tight corsets which would sometimes cut oxygen and women were fainting. Women also, could not show their ankles, and if they did, they were considered a prostitute. Where exactly did the rest cure come from and is it used today? Silas Weir Mitchell created the rest cure in the 1900s to treat hysteria and other nervous depression conditions. The cure was worse than the so called disease itself. The restShow MoreRelatedThe Rest Cure In The Yellow Wallpaper1570 Words   |  7 Pages The short story The Yellow Wallpaper, was used by the author Charlotte Perkins Gilman to bring awareness of the experiences of depression and the rest cure both mentally, physically, and socially in the 1800s and early 1900s. Suffering from post-partum depression herself, Gilman also went under treatment of the rest cure. As a result, her experiences and struggles are very similar to the ones of her main character in the story. While narrating The Yellow Paper, the main character and Gilman herselfRead More Exploring Rest Cure Therapy in The Yellow Wallpaper781 Words   |  4 PagesExploring Rest Cure Therapy in The Yellow Wallpaper Rest was used as a cure for neurasthenia, but did it really work? The Yellow Wallpaper explores the concept of rest cure therapy and its effectiveness on a woman patient. The best-known doctor for treating neurasthenia was a highly regarded neurologist named Silas Weir Mitchell (Kivo 8). Women from all over the world traveled to the United States to be treated by Silas Weir Mitchell (5). Rest cure therapy included secludingRead MoreAnalysis of Charlotte Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper969 Words   |  4 PagesYellow Wallpaper Annotated Bibliography Frye, C.B. Using Literature in Health Care: Reflections on The Yellow Wallpaper. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy. (32: 7). 1998. 829.33. Print. Most people who wrote about The Yellow Wallpaper do so from the perspective of a literary scholar. This however is written by someone in the health care field. C.B. Frye says that fiction can impact the larger world; in this case it impacted mental health and the work of Gillmans doctor, S Weir Mitchell. AlthoughRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper Enters the Canon1691 Words   |  7 PagesThe Yellow Wallpaper Enters the Canon What I want to see people get rid of... is the idea that home is sacred because the dinner is cooked there. Home is sacred because love and congeniality and companionship are there meaning home is beautiful and blessed because of the love that comes from the home (Gilman). Charlottes great use of detailed words proves that she is a professional when it comes to American gothic writing. Gilman is a master in creating stories that leave the reader completelyRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman1312 Words   |  6 Pagespieces of literature are written to convey a specific meaning, or to bring light to certain issues in real life. The short story titled â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† was written in 1892 about a woman named Jane who is diagnosed with depression and given a treatment named the â€Å"rest cure.† Charlotte Perkins Gilman created this story based on her experiences with the â€Å"rest cure† and sent it to the creator of the treatme nt, S. Weir Mitchell, for criticism (Gilman 419). When read, this short story is usually seenRead MoreThe Deeper Meaning of The Yellow Wallpaper1257 Words   |  6 PagesThe Yellow Wallpaper, is the disheartening tale of a woman suffering from postpartum depression. Set during the late 1890s, the story shows the mental and emotional results of the typical rest cure prescribed during that era and the narrator’s reaction to this course of treatment. It would appear that Gilman was writing about her own anguish as she herself underwent such a treatment with Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell in 1887, just two years after the birth of her daughter Katherine. The rest cure thatRead More`` The Yellow Wallpaper `` And `` It s A Girl ``1651 Words   |  7 PagesPerkins Gilmans, who wrote â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† to challenge the ideals of society and their treatment towards women. Gilman, faced with the discriminatory and prejudiced challenges of her gender, her childhood shadowed a nd pelted on with poverty, and her mind plagued with the constant, deafening humming of nervous postpartum depression, unambiguously determined that she was going to raise her voice against constant chattering of chauvinist values. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a direct echo of Gilman’sRead MoreYellow Wallpaper Essay999 Words   |  4 PagesThe Yellow Wallpaper† Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Full name Charlotte Anna Perkins Stetson Gilman) American short story writer, essayist, novelist, and autobiographer. The following entry presents criticism of Gilman s short story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† (1892). The short story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† by nineteenth-century feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman, was first published in 1892 in New England Magazine. Gilman s story, based upon her own experience with a â€Å"rest cure† for mental illness, wasRead MoreCharlotte Perkins Gilm A Feminist Writer1105 Words   |  5 Pagessought treatment for these ailments. Silas Wier Mitchell, a physician in the late 19th century, created the Rest Cure in 1873. It was originally prescribed to injured veterans of the Civil War (Stiles 3) but was later used for patients who suffered from depression and hysteria. Most of Mitchell’s patients happened to be women. While Mitchell and other male physicians advocated the rest cure as successful, many women were against it because it made them lose their sense of self and forced them intoRead More Gilman Exposed in The Yellow Wallpaper1290 Words   |  6 PagesGilman Exposed in The Yellow Wallpaper      Ã‚   Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story, The Yellow Wallpaper, is the disheartening tale of a woman suffering from postpartum depression. Set during the late 1890s, the story shows the mental and emotional results of the typical rest cure prescribed during that era and the narrator’s reaction to this course of treatment. It would appear that Gilman was writing about her own anguish as she herself underwent such a treatment with Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell

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