Saturday, May 23, 2020

Colonization of Africa - 1542 Words

Conquests, colonization, the slave trade, and the spread of consumerist society have shaped and formed the grounds for which developing countries find themselves today. The countries of the developing world subjected to colonialism have been faced with a number of impediments throughout the years which have hindered social and economic growth, and laid the foundation which bred cultural conflict. Colonialism, however, too bought Western civilization and all its attractions to underdeveloped countries during the process of colonialism. The following essay will highlight the effects of colonialism on the developing world from an economic, political and social perspective. The colonization of Africa has a long history, and can be explained†¦show more content†¦The conference fabricated the Berlin Act, a treaty with provisions to lead the conduct of the European imperialist opposition in Africa. This treaty, drawn up without African participation, provided the grounds for the successive separation, invasion and colonisation of Africa. It presented European powers an open market for trade that bought more from colonial power than it sold overall (Shillington, 2005). From this stage, African territory was divided randomly between the European countries. France and England had a significant influence in reshaping the colonies. Britain as well as Germany utilized the idea of ‘Imperial Monachy’, while the French struggled to incorporate Africans into republican traditions (Grinker, 2010). During this process, some of the local values and institutions were replaced by more modern/western ones. Furthermore, colonisation obstructed the internal process of state formation and development in Africa, leaving legacies of corruption and political instability (Tangie, 2006). Africa experienced extreme cultural clashes which were resultant from the influence of political, economic, social and religious factors on the indigenous societies of Africa. Along with the occupation, the Europeans brought with them tradition sShow MoreRelatedColonization in Africa991 Words   |  4 PagesEuropean colonization effected Africa negatively, as it resulted in the continent being taken advantage of, people and resources exploited, and their economical standpoint being very low. By looking at Africa’s experience with the Berlin Conference and the effects it had, we can see how greatly the continent was negatively influenced. The Berlin Conference brought King Leopold II into Africa, but the world did not know that it would result in genocide of about 5,000 people in Sierra Leone. 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The continent was dividedRead MoreThe Colonization Of South Africa1749 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Summary of Research Before the colonization in South Africa, men and women stood hand and hand together, not behind or in front, but together. After the colonization in South Africa, men begin running everything in society and are dominate. Like any culture, men are the ones who call everything and for women, they are in charge of feeding and taking care of the family. Women in South Africa are in charge of many task, especially undertaking agriculture. Being a wife/motherRead MoreEuropean Nations And The Colonization Of Africa1492 Words   |  6 PagesAs we know so far, Africa has a long history of being faced with Conquest, Colonization, and Military Invasions from Europe since the early 1970’s and up to the 1900’s. Many were standing against the idea of being captured or colonized by these Europeans leaders and countries. The only two countries that have not been touched or colonized by Europe is Ethiopia and Liberia, unfortunately (Fortunately). Most of the Africa’s c ountries has been touched by European conquerors. There are three main factorsRead MoreEuropean Imperialism And The Colonization Of Africa984 Words   |  4 PagesAmongst the 1870s and 1900, Africa confronted European imperialist hostility, political pressures, military assaults, and ultimately the conquest and colonization. At the same time, African civilizations put up numerous methods of resistance against the effort to inhabit their countries and enforce foreign control. By the early twentieth century, however, much of Africa, except Ethiopia and Liberia, had been inhabited by European powers. The European imperialist drive into Africa was encouraged by threeRead MoreThe Scramble For African Colonization Of Africa1733 Words   |  7 Pages The Scramble for Africa had a massive impact on the lives of the citizens that lived there. In the 1870’s when Germany became the new leader in the European industry with chemicals and electrical products. This time was known as the second industrial revolution when transportation in the country came about it effected routes of trade became easily available thus making. The growth of European colonization of Africa which was unique because they started to colonized later than everyone else. ForRead MoreThe Long Depression During The Colonization Of Africa1820 Words   |  8 Pagescontinent of Africa. Primarily England, France, Germany, and Portugal were vying for the continent . Sub-Saharan Africa was one of the last parts of the world that had little to no colonial influence by Europeans. To Europeans, the African continent had untapped potential . During the colonization of Africa, Christian missions followed and proceeded to proselytize the African people. The partnershi p between colonist and missionaries had a negative effect on the evangelization of Africa. 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