Saturday, November 9, 2019

Marketing Test Questions

1. The promotional mix is the combination of promotional tools used to reach the target market and fulfill the organization's overall goals. a. True b. False 2. When a marketer sends a message to the target market, the marketer must first decode the symbols used. c. True d. False 3. Even though a message is received, it will not necessarily be properly decoded; receivers interpret messages based on their own frames of reference. e. True f. False 4. All promotions are designed to either inform, persuade, or reinforce the target audience. g. True h. False 5.The promotional mix consists of: i. advertising, publicity, direct marketing, and personal selling j. public relations, direct marketing, personal selling, and publicity k. product, promotion, price, and place l. advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations m. advertising, telemarketing, public relations, and sales promotions 6. Which of the following statements about advertising is true? n. The total costs o f advertising are typically low. o. The signs on the outsides of buses and taxis are not a form of advertising. p.The cost per contact in advertising is low. q. Innovative media are not used in advertising. r. Advertising is any form of communication in which the sponsor is identified. 7. Public information (that the company did not pay for) about a company, good, or service appearing in the mass media as a news item is: s. personal selling t. advertising u. mass communications v. publicity w. sales promotion 8. _____ consists of all marketing activities that stimulate consumer purchasing such as coupons, contests, free samples, and trade shows. x. Sales promotion y. Publicity . Personal Selling {. Advertising |. Sponsorship 9. In 2006, GM unveiled a GM Fuel Price Protection Program that caps the per-gallon price consumers pay for gas at $1. 99 when they purchase select 2006 and 2007 GM full-size utility and mid-size cars. This is an example of _____ designed to stimulate consumer b uying. }. A sales promotion ~. A public relations activity . Advertising . An implicit communication . Personal selling 10. Communication to large audiences, usually through a medium such as television or a newspaper, is called _____ communication. . Feedback-proof Referential . Interpersonal . Mass . Public 11. The communication process consists of: . Message, media, and transmittal . Source, receiver, and channel . Sender, receiver, and message . Encoding, decoding, channel, sender, receiver, noise, and feedback . Comprehension, noise, and feedback 12. _____ is the conversion of the sender's ideas and thoughts into a message. . Decoding . Envelopment . Processing . Development . Encoding 13. _____ is anything that interferes with, distorts, or slows the transmission of information. . Media communication . Feedback Static . Nonpersonal communication . Noise 14. Advertising competes for two things. These two things are: . ________________b. _________________ 15. There are three typ es of Product Advertising. They are: . ________________b. _________________ c. ___________________ 16. _____ sales promotions are targeted toward the ultimate end-user market. . Facilitating . Intermediary . Pull . Consumer . Trade 17. _____ advertising is used to keep a familiar brand name in the public's mind and to refresh the consumers on the brand’s uses, characteristics, and benefits. Advocacy . Pioneer . Reinforcement . Reminder . Comparative 18. In class we briefly talked about an acronym used in discussions about promotions. The acronym, AIDA, stands for: . Attitude-Interest-Demand-Activity . Attention-Interest-Desire-Action . Awareness-Intent-Demand-Action . Avoidance-Interest-Desire-Acceptance . Attitudes-In-Developing-Acquisitions 19. A manufacturer using the _____ promotional strategy focuses its promotional efforts on the consumer. . Reinforcement . Personal selling . Push . Pull . Kinetic 20.Firms that adopt a push promotion strategy focus their message at inte rmediaries in order to get them to carry the product, rather than at the end consumer. . True . False 21. Comparative advertising is: . like a mirror because it compares all negative and positive features of both products . like a shotgun in that it compares multiple features of two products . like a rifle in that it only compares a single benefit or advantage . only used by companies at the highest level of the pyramid of corporate responsibility . sed to compare two or more competing brands on one or more specific attributes. 22. Aston Martin is a common brand of car driven by the British agent James Bond. Aston Martin paid to have its vehicle featured in these movies. This is an example of: . Advertising . A sales promotion . Paid-for public relations . Product placement . Lobbying 23. In a 2008 movie starring the hilarious Jim Carrey, Red Bull was reference multiple times. This is another example of _______________ and _________________ is the movie’s title. . Advertising and Dumb and Dumber . Puffery and How the Grinch Stole Christmas Customer deceit and The Cable Guy . Product placement and Yes Man . Product placement and Liar Liar 24. Which of the following is not an element of the marketing mix. . Product . Place . Primary Demand . Promotion . Price 25. One of the purposes of promotion is to stimulate demand. What are they? . __________________b. ____________________ 26. This type of demand focuses on making potential customers aware of the general product category. . __________________ 27. This type of demand focuses on making potential customers aware of specific benefits provided by a particular brand/product. ___________________ 28. Based on the results from a recent study, and posted in an article on cnet. com, advertising revenue from Google for the first 6 months of 2012 exceeded that of print media. According to this study, Google brought in how much revenue from ads for this period? . ___________________ 29. Both advertising and public relations (PR) are types of non-personal communication. However, the main difference is advertising is _____________ whereas PR is ________________. 30. According to the course syllabus, Exam #4 is scheduled for what day? . _____________________

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