Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Contrasts in Royall Tylers Play The Contrast - 718 Words

Literature There are a number of contrasts that can be found in Royall Tylers play entitled The Contrast that was initially performed in the United States in 1787. In many respects, this dramatic work seeks to compare the character and nature of the old world (Europe), with that of the new world (America). To that end, the author has various cast members represent ideas that are based on (American) perceptions of these two continents. One can assume that Tyler did not waste a considerable amount of time attempting to veil the notions that he wanted his characters to represent. One contrast in characterization that is highly integral to this dramatic work is that found between Manly and Dimple van Dumpling. As the latters last name implies, he is European; as his first name implies, he is somewhat soft and buffoonish. He is used to typify everything that is wrong with Europe. Van Dumplings character is contrasted with Manly who, true as his name implies, is a war veteran (of the Colonial War, at that) and who is definitely American. Both of these men find themselves vying for the affection of a lovely young woman named Maria. Manly, of course, triumphs and claims Maria as his own, which of course symbolizes Americas triumph over Europe not only in the Revolutionary War but as a growing world power, as well. Hasty Pudding is a play that was written by Joel Barlow and which is representative of themes that are similar to Tylers The Contrast. In this dramatic war, theShow MoreRelatedA Patriotic Hero- The Contrast578 Words   |  2 PagesRoyall Tyler was an intelligent man, that although he wasnt specifically interested in writing dramatic fiction, has been claimed as the first to ever create an authentic American play. His ability to write clearly and professionally allowed the first American play to become a huge hit in its time and still stands as one of the best dramas to read and watch today. This is seen in a comment made by Amanda Dollack, this play offers a fantastic glimpse into the American culture during Tylers timeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Contrast 2130 Words   |  9 PagesIn 1787, Royall Tyler released a play to the newly established American republic titled â€Å"The Contrast.† This was the first play to be completely written and performed by Americans, mak ing it the first truly American play. At this point in the early republic, there was a large movement to make the early republic separate from the rest of the word. According to Kenneth Silverman in his work â€Å"A Cultural History of the American Revolution, literature was being advertised as being written by an American

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Moral Principles Of The Army - 768 Words

Army Doctrine Reference Publication 1-0 states, â€Å"living by and upholding the moral principles of the Army Ethic† is the foundation to our profession. An organization cannot survive if there are no foundation for morals. The organization will internally implode. This is a critical fact for the Army. Individuals that do not have a foundation that aligns with the Army’s foundation is detrimental to the organization. The purpose for this short paper is to explore the fundamentals of our profession; examine the need for structure; how to return to basics of the profession; who needs to enforce standards; finally, implementing a culture change within the Army. Army leaders have categorized the four problems that currently plague the Army Established on July 14, 1775, United States Army emerged during the conflict between the French and Indians. The Army, created to fight and win our Nation’s wars, has experienced its fair share of battle. July 4, 1776, marked a change that would require the Army’s engagement. The Declaration of Independence, signed by 56 individuals from 13 colonies documented that day their high treason (â€Å"The Price†, 2013). Every original signer and their family were now targets. These individuals, identified by the King of England, became the hunted. Many were tortured and killed. In 1776, Congress appointed George Washington as the Commander and Chief of the Army. Standards and regulatory guidance began developing shortly after WashingtonShow MoreRelatedKant on Moral Duty1066 Words   |  4 PagesKant: â€Å"Moral Duty† Kant describes the moral dilemma of telling a lie. Kant applies that the meaning behind the false claim is what determines its morality or whether it shall be accepted. The morality of the act relies upon whether it is â€Å"clever† and self-benefitting act or whether it is a matter of duty to make the false promise. 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Even though Unocal may not have directly given out the orders that created the dispute, it was in the company’s best interest to remove the Karen people from their rural homes in the South (Velasquez 125 and Brown 146)Read MoreNapoleons Warfare Strategies And Tactics On Modern Day Warfare1275 Words   |  6 Pagespurpose is to point out the impacts of Napoleon’s warfare strategies and tactics on modern day warfare. It will analyze the principles Napoleon used during his era, and they in clude the theory of nationalism, creation of the corps’ system and leading disciplined and professional armies. The principle of the theory of nationalism is all about being patriotic. Napoleon used this principle during his time and it is highly implemented by military today. 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This essay will discuss how the Philosopher, Richard Hare, derives preference utilitarianism from moral judgement aspects such as prescriptivity and universalizability using various different example(s) to explain and

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Restructuring Strategy of a Construction Company Free-Sample

Question: Discuss about the Case Study of Restructuring Strategy of a Construction Company. Answer: Introduction: The main purpose of the assignment is to study employment relations, organizational theories and managerial theories in the light of an organization. The secondary aim is to analyze these theories in the light of a case study. The case study is set in the background of Wollongong trucking yard owned by the Top Trucking Company. The case contrasts between the managerial patterns of two managers, the autocratic style of the old yard manager and the transformational style of the new manager. The conditions of the drivers under these two managerial styles outline the differences between them. The assignment also points out how the motivation theories of Herzberg and Maslow can be applied to motivate workers. The importance of trade unions and their role in employee betterment has also found importance in the study. The assignment has three sections which delves into the various theories of organization and their application in the workplaces. The first section points out how the workplace changes brought about by the new manager complement each other in improving the work culture of the yard. The second section contrasts between the leadership style of the old manager and the new manager. This section outlines how a transfer of the new manager or George, the trade union representative may affect the drivers. The final section compared between the role of the blue collar unions and the public and private in bringing about positive changes in the work culture. The new changes in the trucking complement each other: The new manager supported by the new management introduced a number of positive changes that complemented each other. He introduced transformative managerial style and bring about innovations and changes in the operations of trucking yard. His changes though initially created a bit of conflict among the drivers, brought about positive results which were accepted by the drivers (Nye, 2014). The new manager using his transformational leadership style and transparent communication involved the drivers and the union representatives in order to deal with tough situations. He took a more rational approach to problems and involved the driver in solving the problems. The new manager also took steps to improve the safety and security of the drivers in work (Carmeli et al., 2014). The drivers also received training in modern techniques and customer services which enhanced their skills and confidence. The management gave the drivers uniforms and installed a new computer system in the warehouse. The new manager ensured participation from the union person, George and the drivers. This step of the manager enabled better communication between them and the management (Hashim, 2015). The manager discussed things with the union representative to seek his views instead of letting him interfere in the trucking yards operations. This step taken by the manager made the drivers feel free from the clutches of the union and made the inefficient drivers who supported the union resign. The introduction of the uniform motivated the drivers and made them feel important. Their participation the problem solving and decision making process also boosted their motivation. It must be pointed out that according to Herzbergs theory, better company policies and improved relationship act as motivating factors (Band et al., 2016). The increase in safety and training boosted their self confidences and increased their self esteem (Hung Petrick, 2016). They initially were apprehensive about the outcome of the changes but later accepted them when they saw their benefits. The new manager instead of following an autocratic managerial style of introducing changes trained the drivers. This step taken by the new manager minimized the chances of conflict (Hajro, Gibson Pudelko, 2017). The new manager under the modernization theory modernized the operations in the yard and improved driver conditions (Glynn Taplin, 2013). The new manager communicated the information about performances of the truck yard and challenges with the drivers and the union representative. The drivers thus felt that they were a part of the company and worked harder to improve their performances. They were no more blamed for the problems and were encouraged to participate to solve them which complemented the open discussion policy introduced by the new manager. Thus, it can be said that the new workplace practices like open discussion, safety measures, training and the introduction of the uniform complemented one another. They all contributed to increase of motivation and self esteem among the drivers. This made the drivers work harder which increased their productivity. The drivers look upon the increased market position and productivity as rewards for their efforts (Stavrinos et al., 2016). Sustaining of the changes if George or the new manager moved on: The new manager brought about positive changes which improved the working conditions and performance of the trucking yard. He involved George, the union representative in the problem solving processes as if he were a part of the company. This made George get involved in the improvement measures which once again helped the drivers. However, moving on of the new manager or George would pose threat to the sustainability of the new changes and their positive effects. The following comparison will help in outlining the risk of sustainability of the positive workplace changes brought about by George and the new manager (Yamanashi et al., 2016). The old management style: The old manager followed an autocratic style of leadership and ill-treated the drivers. The owners did not take interest in the renovation of the fleet and safety of the drivers. The presence of the inefficient drivers caused conflicts, accidents and breakdowns which affected the performances. The manager did not take initiatives to resolve conflicts, improve the work culture or motivate the drivers. The new transformational management: The new owner of Wollongong Yard bought new trucks and installed new computer system to improve management of the warehouses. The drivers got new uniform which increased their motivation. The new manager involved both the drivers and the union representative George in the day to day management of the yard. He encouraged participation and communication among the two groups which helped in conflict management. He gave training to the drivers which improved their productivity. The new manager sought participation of George while George on his supported him. A comparison to outline the risks to the sustainable measures: A comparison between the old management scenario and the new transformation management scenario shows that the new scenario is far better and beneficial to the yard. The case study also speaks about a probable movement of the new manager to the headquarters. This movement may prove detrimental to the new positive changes. The next manager may not follow the transformation leadership style of the new which will hamper the performance of the yard as a whole. The next manager may establish autocratic managerial style like the old manager and deprive the drivers of the important position they have acquired (Chege, Wachira Mwenda, 2015). The new manager and George act in coordination to ensure the participation of the employees and were dependent on each other. Thus, it can be opined that relocation of the new manager may reduce the importance of George and the drivers. Again, a relocation of George will affect the performance of the new manager. George got involved with the new manager and the drivers in the problem solving processes of the yard. He was instrumental in creating a transparent communication channel between the manager, drivers and the union which helped to avoid conflict. Relocation of George may result in involvement of a union representative who may not cooperate with the new manager. He may instead use his position to fulfill the demands of the trade union and control its in their favour. Thus it would again result in autocratic management of the union and the new manager may lose his say. The union rule may result in undermining of drivers safety and efficiency. It may also give rise to efficiency, conflict among the groups involved and loss of productivity. Hence, relocation of the new manager or George will hamper the sustainable changes while will result in loss of goodwill of the yard (DiStaso et al., 2011). Blue collar unions vs. public sector unions: The blue collar unions are less likely to bring about positive changes compared to the public or private unions. The blue collar union members are mostly fight for the rights of the employees involved in construction, technical installation, custodial works and so on. They are often qualified and have specialized training, licensing and certification. The blue collar union workers are often salaried people who get salary every month. As opposed to the blue collar unions the public unions are present in almost all the industries irrespective of their types. For example, the Public Service Union of the United Kingdom play the important role of ensuring minimum wages for the employees, improving work safety and many other rights (Barcevicius, Weishaupt Zeitlin, 2014 ). The unions play a very crucial role and enjoy legal rights according to the constitutions. The Australian Council of Trade Union works towards improving the living standards of the workers. They fight for social security systems like medical allowances and trainings of the workers (, 2017). A comparison between the blue collar unions like the Transport workers union and the public unions reveal that the blue collar union members are professionally trained and salaried people. The public unions like the Australian Council of Trade Unions on the other hand are not necessarily qualified and are not salaried. These union workers fight for the right wage payments for the factory labours. The public unions are more likely to fight for bringing about workplace changes. The case study reveals that the drivers did not have any power under the previous management in spite of the presence of George, the representative of the Transport Workers Union. They did not receive any training and the management did not enforce rules for their safety. The representative did not bargain for the rights of these driver and the inefficient drivers hampered productivity. Hence, in the light of the above case it can be opined that presence of public unions could have bargained for the safety measu res to benefit the workers(Esping-Andersen, 2013). Conclusion: The study shows that the dynamic work culture today requires transformational managerial style. A comparison between the leadership styles of the two managers prove that autocratic leadership hampers productivity as it does not encourage employee participation. It can be reiterated that motivation and participation of the employees is very crucial to bring about changes in the organizational culture. The following recommendations can be made in the light of the case study and the theories applied: The management should not relocate the new manager and the union should not relocate George. The two people and dynamic and encourage employee participation in the decision making process. Their cooperation and coordination motivate the drivers and increase their self esteem. Their presence is very crucial to sustain the positive changes in the working conditions of the factory. References: (2017). About the ACTU. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2017]. Band, G., Shah, N. V., Sriram, R., Appliances, E. (2016). Herzberg Two Factor Theory among the Management Faculty in Nagpur City. InInternational Conference on Management and Information Systems September(Vol. 23, p. 24). Barcevicius, E., Weishaupt, T., Zeitlin, J. (Eds.). (2014).Assessing the open method of coordination: institutional design and national influence of EU social policy coordination. Springer. Carmeli, A., Sheaffer, Z., Binyamin, G., Reiter?Palmon, R., Shimoni, T. (2014). Transformational leadership and creative problem?solving: the mediating role of psychological safety and reflexivity.The Journal of Creative Behavior,48(2), 115-135. Chege, A. N., Wachira, A., Mwenda, L. (2015). Effects of Leadership Styles on Implementation of Organization Strategic Plans in Small and Medium Enterprises in Nairobi.Management and Administrative Sciences Review,4(3), 593-600. DiStaso, M. W., McCorkindale, T., Wright, D. K. (2011). How public relations executives perceive and measure the impact of social media in their organizations.Public Relations Review,37(3), 325-328. Esping-Andersen, G. (2013).The three worlds of welfare capitalism. John Wiley Sons. Glynn, P. J., Taplin, R. (2013). The essential role of employment and the workplace in climate change policy and effective disaster risk management planning. InClimate change and disaster risk management(pp. 399-409). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Hajro, A., Gibson, C. B., Pudelko, M. (2017). Knowledge exchange processes in multicultural teams: Linking organizational diversity climates to teams effectiveness.Academy of Management Journal,60(1), 345-372. Hashim, J. (2015). Information communication technology (ICT) adoption among SME owners in Malaysia.International Journal of Business and Information,2(2). Hung, K., Petrick, J. F. (2016). Developing a measurement scale for cruising motivations. Nye Jr, J. S. (2014). Transformational and transactional presidents.Leadership,10(1), 118-124. Stavrinos, D., Heaton, K., Welburn, S. C., McManus, B., Griffin, R., Fine, P. R. (2016). Commercial truck driver health and safety: exploring distracted driving performance and self-reported driving skill.Workplace health safety,64(8), 369-376. Yamanashi, Y., Teramoto, M., Morimura, N., Hirata, S., Inoue-Murayama, M., Idani, G. I. (2016). Effects of relocation and individual and environmental factors on the long-term stress levels in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): monitoring hair cortisol and behaviors.PLoS One,11(7), e0160029.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Risk Perception and Analysis

Risk is perceived differently by different people. Risk assessment is important as it enables people to control and manage risks. There exist both traditional and modern methods of risk assessment. To discuss these issues, this study shall: summarize the main points made by Slovic and Clark and illustrate the difference between a cause and a mechanism by use of examples.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Risk Perception and Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A Summary of the Main Points made by Slovic The persons’ extra ability to modify and to react to the environment constructs and lessens risk. Risk assessment as an area of study has developed as a result of the indefinable and hard to control nature of present hazards, particularly the modern advancement of chemical and nuclear expertise (Slovic 280). Risk assessment as a subject of study is intended to aid in categorizing, quantifying and ty pifying risk. While scientifically refined analysts make use of risk assessment to assess hazards, the best part of populace depends on instinctive risk judgment, normally known as risk perceptions. For most citizens, understanding of hazards is usually developed from the news in the media, which scrupulously manuscripts threats and fears happening all over the planet. For instance, media have made a majority of Americans, and other developed states to believe that they are prone to experiencing more risks in prospect. This has majorly impacted the economic and political development of these nations (Nelkin 38). Anthropological and sociological works reveal that the perception and receipt of risks is usually grounded on cultural and social and aspects (Douglas and Albert 236). The reaction to hazards is influenced by social controls, which are conveyed by relatives, friends, colleague staff, and esteemed government officials. Psychological study on risk perception has resulted to an invention of a cluster of psychological strategies or heuristics, which persons make use of so as to make good judgment out of an uncertain existence (Kahneman et al. 46). Even though these strategies are applicable in some situations, they can end in great and importunate prejudices, with severe repercussions for risk assessment. In addition, research points out that those early views possessed by individuals are hard to change as they control the manner in which ensuing information is construed. Thus, novel evidence seems to be reliable and edifying if it is in line with an individual’s first beliefs. Presenting similar ideas regarding risk in dissimilar ways changes perspectives and measures.Advertising Looking for assessment on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Psychometric Paradigm Research on the psychometric paradigm is centered on the functions of emotion, affect and stigma in controlling risk percept ion (Slovic 284). Slovic in 1987 disputed Starr’s article by exploring expressed preferences, the amount of risk persons say they are ready to accept (281). He discovered that, different from Starr’s fundamental assumption, persons regarded the majority of risks in the humanity as being incongruously high. He also discovered that the space amid involuntary and voluntary risks was not that big, as alleged by Starr. Slovic discovered that it was possible to foretell and measure perceived risk. A person is apt to view present risk levels as inappropriately high for the majority of activities. All conditions held constant, the larger the perception of a gain by persons, the larger the forbearance of the risk (Slovic 284). If an individual acquired satisfaction by using a commodity, persons judged its profits as lofty and its risks as small. If the action was not liked, the verdicts would be the reverse. Exploration in psychometrics has established that risk perception is g reatly dependent on instinct, empirical thinking, and sensation. Psychometric research acknowledged a wide sphere of characteristics that can be reduced to three major factors including the extent to which a risk is comprehended; the extent to which the risk induces a sentiment of dread; and the quantity of persons likely to be impacted by the risk (Slovic 285). A dread risk educes intuitive feelings of fear of disaster and disparity. An indefinite risk is novel and strange to science. The more an individual dreads an action, the more elevated the perceived risk is, and the more that individual desires the risk abridged (Slovic 285). Risk perception study reveals that people’s profound anxieties are connected to the authenticity of widespread adverse media coverage and to a sturdy relationship amid nuclear power and the propagation and employment of nuclear arms (Burton et al. 264). Psychometric study can predict the reaction to technological tools that have the potential to cause strong and importunate public antagonism. However, differences in the span of an individual’s definition of risk can significantly alter the assessment of risk from a range of technological advancements (Slovic et al. 464).Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Risk Perception and Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A Summary of the Main Points Made by Clark Risk is typified by diverse types of fears. The way that persons perceive those types of fears, influences their character. To understand contemporary issues in risk assessment, the historical perspective of social risk assessment is discussed in three segments: the European witch craze in the 16th and 17th centuries; resource management in the field of uncertainty; and drug safety and limits of regulation. I shall discuss each of this separately. The European Witch Craze in the 16th and 17th Centuries Witchcraft and witches have existed si nce time immemorial. For a long time, people regarded their fears of uncertainty as witches (Trevor—Roper 1). The term witches served as a sufficient explanation for the uncontrollable disasters which happened to people’s crops and wellbeing. During that time, the church assumed a cynical and a chiefly academic loom to these beliefs, teaching the distinction between truth and fantasy, and classifying witches directly in the latter group (Schwing and Walter 287). At some point, the lawmakers intervened on the illusions about witches by illegalizing them. Contemporary risk assessors do not harm their colleague residents. Instead, they attempt to insure against witch hunting by use of a systematic approaches to collect and assess proof on risk issues. However, the account of witch hunting puts forward that whatever we may be doing or intending to do in modern risk assessment is likely to be far from what occurs in reality. Thus, the only way that we can identify these inc onsistencies is through modifying the historical perspective, while offering clear grounds for adjustments. Several risk assessments employed today are usually identical with those that were employed by the inquisition. The advantage of the past perspective is that, with retrospection, we are able to realize the disparity and attempt to gain knowledge from it. Currently, there is an aspect of opportunistic vocation in the modern risk assessment society (Schwing and Walter 289). Similar to the past, the present science society is willing to practice its risk assessment actions into regions that are near home. In many aspects, contemporary risk assessment activities are parallel to the European witch craze. Resource Management on the Function of Uncertainty Nothing imaginary or of witch-like nature subsists in the risks experienced through people’s daily associations with water, plants and the entire environment (Clark 1). However, inadequate adjustment can lead to uncertaintie s in the future as well as the explicit and direct consequences of drowning, hunger and burning up. Anthropological research indicates that pre-industrial folk communities adjust to such ecological risks mainly through adaptation in human conduct (Clark 3).Advertising Looking for assessment on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Many a time we adjust to the environment, but still disaster strikes us. For instance, even with a great deal of efforts by the U.S. to manage floods, an insupportable rainfall hit resulting to vast floods (Burton et al. 264). Again, communal health and vaccination crusades have done much good, as they have assisted in the prevention of diseases, especially among children. However, the abridged frequency of ailments brought by vaccination is always accompanied by augmentations of other types of risks. This is so since the efforts to manage ailments introduces alien substances in the composite biological structure. Drug Safety: The Limits of Regulation Medicines, even though they planned to enhance lives, create risks of recognized types. Therefore, the assessment of risks posed by clinical drugs is simpler than other risk conditions. The fundamental actions for risk-benefit judgments of drugs are also soundly recognized. Preliminary testing makes use of broad knowledge and skill on identical products. However, different nations have diverse policies pertaining drugs. In order to make efficient policies of risk management, it is vital to have cautiously planned studies that demonstrate the types of risks that the current testing measures can catch, and the type of risks that they allow to trip. Suitable combinations of risk assessment strategies are not likely to surface from even the most refined thoughts; hence there is the need to carry out adaptive risk management. In the final section of the paper, Clark demonstrates that all traditions place themselves in the antagonism of the unknown and endeavor to conquer or manipulate it, hoping to set up a more unsurprising and less scary world. He stresses the need to take risks in the medical field as well as in other similar fields. The Difference between a Cause and a Mechanism The conventional approach to perceiving actions has been to consider it as a cluster of effects created by preceding causes (Reinout 20). Causes and effects are commonly acknowledged in the shape of events. After a lightning stroke appears, one expects a roll of thunder. In this case, the occurrence of one event results to the occurrence of the other. Causation is characterized by a series of actions (Ashraf 38). Causation depicts the sequence in which actions consistently happen, although it does not engross a depiction of the mechanism that relates cause and effect. Characterizing action in terms of causes and effects is extremely hasty since each novel cause has to be independently allied to its effects (Ashraf 38). The following is an example of a case that can be used to explain a mechanism. As a result of air entering the room from an open window, a thermostat will start the furnace. In case, it was switched off, the current of air makes the thermostat to start the furnace. On further observation, one sees another cause-effect association. In case, it was on, increase in temperature can evoke the thermostat to switch off the furnace. This is parallel to the former cause-effect incident, although the cause and effect are in the reverse routes. More observations confirm several other comprehensive forms of causes and effects, depending on the duration of time that the furnace remains on or off. Chilly climate remote to the house makes the thermostat maintain the furnace activated for longer periods than it maintains the furnace switched off, while mild heat makes the furnace switch off soon after it is switched on, and warm heat makes the thermostat to maintain the furnace switched off all along. The number of causes and effects can be lengthened for an indefinite period, without indication of why any experienced cause has particular effects and without creating any capacity to envisage what a novel sort of cause will occur. For instance, holding a large party in the house or placing a fire in the house will both generate identical effects via the thermostat. Different from a cause, a mecha nism never work merely for definite causes and definite effects; it connects a big number of diverse causes, which are capable of influencing a structure, to the entire end effects that the structure can generate. The example discussed above, of a thermostat’s mechanism, shows the connection between heat from the atmosphere and the on and off condition of a furnace. The connection between these two remains just similar, despite the causes that influence the exterior temperature. From the above association, it is possible to envisage the entire effects that will occur on the furnace. If an individual places fire in the house, it is likely that the furnace will be switched off by the thermostat, as a result of high temperatures. A mechanism involves causes that one may not be able to perform experimentally as they could be harmful (Brooks 39). However, the effects are always obvious. The fact that a house could be on fire would be of no interest to the thermostat. Its interest would be that there is a rise in temperatures, and thus should turn the furnace off. In conclusion, for most citizens, understanding of hazards is usually developed from the news in the media, which scrupulously manuscripts threats and fears happening all over the planet. Risk assessment is important as it enables people to control and manage risks. In some cases, it is important for one to assess the benefits and the risk factors, for instance in the use of vaccines. Finally, the major difference between a cause and a mechanism is that a mechanism connects a big number of diverse causes, which are capable of influencing a structure, to the entire end effects that the structure can generate. Case Damage/Injury/Loss Event Energy Form Mechanism Outcome 1 Death, Physical Injury Linear Motion Boat being smashed Breakage 2 Loss to airlines Ambient condition Snow falling Runways closed 3 Payouts to fishing, tourism industries; Oxidation Fire Ocean covered with fuel 4 Damage Gra vitational Flood Power failure 5 Death Ambient condition Falling into the sea Body grew colder 6 Death Structural strain Failure of supports Collapse of tank 7 Death, Physical Injury Oxidation Solvent heating up Explosion 8 Damage Structural strain Truck stretching cable Breakage 9 Injury Oxidation Mixing Aluminium and Sodium Nitrate Explosion 10 Death Action-Reaction Gun firing People shot Ideas adopted from â€Å"Subject notes and study guide for risk perception and analysis† (12 – 16, 18) In this case, the threat is leakage of gas under pressure from the cover drill hole. This is energy. The energy involved is chemical energy since it involves oxidation of the gas which leads to the explosion. Another threat is the presence of intrinsically unsafe electrical equipment. This is also energy. In this case, the energy involved is electrical potential energy (â€Å"Subject notes and study guide for risk perception and analysis† 16). The event is ga s leakage from the cover drill hole. An event is described as the moment in time when management is lost against a threat. As a result, assets become vulnerable to the outcomes of the events. In this case, the gas leaking from the cover drill hole proves that control had been lost over the threat, thus making assets (people, the mine, and equipment) vulnerable to the events’ outcomes (â€Å"Subject notes and study guide for risk perception and analysis† 17). Mechanisms are described as the reasons for the occurrence of an event. For this case, the first mechanism was cover drilling. Cover drilling has the potential of exposing the pressurized gas if the gas leaks from the cover drill hole. The other mechanism involved the leaked gas coming in contact with the intrinsically unsafe electrical equipment (â€Å"Subject notes and study guide for risk perception and analysis† 17). The most devastating outcome was the explosion that subsequently occurred after the gas had escaped from the cover drill hole. The gas leakage could also lead to respiratory problems to those directly inhaling the escaped gases (â€Å"Subject notes and study guide for risk perception and analysis† 17 – 19). The consequence of the outcomes could be death to the miners. In this case study, we are informed that 19 people died as a result of the explosion. Another consequence of the outcome could be damage to the mine and the equipment found in the vicinity of the explosion. In the case study, we are informed that there was widespread damage that covered up to 500 m from the core of the explosion (â€Å"Subject notes and study guide for risk perception and analysis† 19). The assets in this case study included people (the miners), the mine itself and the equipment used in the mine (â€Å"Subject notes and study guide for risk perception and analysis† 11, 17). Assignment 2 Control Measure Application to the Gas explosion in a mine Eliminate the threat Plug a cover on the cover drill hole to prevent gas leakage. Remove intrinsically unsafe electrical equipment in the mine. Avoid smoking in the mine. Reduce the size of the threat Reinforce the use of gas detectors in the mines. Flush the accumulated gas in the probe pipe of the gas detectors. Reduce the probability that the threat will occur Check the presence of gases in both high and low points of the mine. Remove or redirect the vulnerability pathway Make tunnel layouts, ventilation routes and controls less complex. Protect the asset Stop cover drilling once high gas concentration is detected. Remove the asset from the vulnerability pathway Do not cover drill when there is a high gas concentration in the mine. Adapted from â€Å"Subject notes and study guide for risk perception and analysis† 20. 1. Comparing different risks Likelihood Consequence 1 (Insign.) 2 (Minor) 3 (Moderate) 4 (Major) 5 (Catastr.) A (Almost certain) B (Likely) C (Moderate) D (Unlikely) E (Rare) Risk estimation â€Å"matrix† (Adapted from â€Å"Subject notes and study guide for risk perception and analysis† 48) Smoking is one of the factors that are almost certain to occur and its consequence is catastrophic. The case study notes that, although it is not allowed to smoke in the mines, the miners are not prevented from smoking by this rule. This makes the factor almost certain to occur. The presence of highly flammable gases in the mines makes the consequence of this activity very catastrophic if the cigarette, or matchstick, or lighter’s flame would come in contact with a flammable gas. The result would be an explosion. It is likely that a gas would escape from the cover drill hole. The consequence of such an action is minor. As noted in the case study, the gas will be intercepted and escapes through the hole in half the number of times cover drilling is done. Although the hole cannot be plugg ed to deny the gas the chance of escaping, it is not likely that this would lead to an explosion. As noted in the case study, explosions have only occurred 12 times in 6 years in the mine. 2. The chosen risks are Effectiveness of existing control measures and the Cost of proposed control changes. Using a scale of 1 to 5 and taking 1 to be ‘good’ and 5 to be ‘as bad as can be’, by addition, the Risk Rank Number of the Effectiveness of existing control measures factor was found to be 21, while that of the Cost of proposed control changes was found to be 5. By ranking all the factors it is possible to find the maximum a risk could be ranked. 3. The combination of all factors by either addition or multiplication proved to be a challenging and confusing task as one had to be very careful when selecting the rank for each factor or when combining the numbers from various scales. It was easy to give each rank its own scale. I. Comparing the same type of risk â€⠀œ â€Å"risk factors† Most of the articles shown are related to health conditions, with a few relating to business or financial matters. Most of those articles relating to health conditions are either discussing risk factors associated with cancer or those factors associated with heart conditions. In both cases, risk factors have been described as things that are have a tendency to increase the likelihood of a certain event taking place. II. As a sports person, the type of risk that that is of interest to me is the risk of losing a match. The risk factors associated with this type of risk include poor preparation before the match; misunderstanding between team members; lack of winning mentality and taking things for granted or being casual. If a does not prepare adequately before a match, it is most likely that that team will lose the game. This leads to misunderstandings between teammates, since there would be inadequate or lack of proper co-ordination. If a team lacks a wi nning mentality, then they would only be playing the match to avoid punishments or just for the sake of it. This is likely to lead to a loss. III. Preparation before a match – absent to excellent Misunderstanding between team members – worst to not present Lack of winning mentality – worst to absent Being casual – worst to not there I. For the explosion to occur; gas should escape from the cover drill hole and come in contact with flames from smoking or intrinsically unsafe electrical equipment. (pA * pBi) + (pA * pBii) = p Where pA is the probability that the gas escapes from the cover drill hole (0.5) pBi is the probability that smoking takes place (0.9) pBii is the probability that intrinsically unsafe electrical equipment will come in contact with the leaked gas (0.9) Therefore p = (0.5 * 0.9) + (0.5 * 0.9) = 0.45 + 0.45 = 0.9 II. Freq Consequence 1 $1,000.00 0.04 $500,000,000.00 III. Frequency, pa Consequence Risk, $pa 1 $500.00 $500. 00 0.6 $5,000.00 $3,000.00 0.35 $50,000.00 $17,500.00 0.2 $500,000.00 $100,000.00 0.11 $5,000,000.00 $550,000.00 0.064 $50,000,000.00 $3,200,000.00 0.04 $500,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $23,871,000.00 This is a highly economic alternative in case all the risk costs were covered with the airport operator. On the other hand, most of this accident’s costs, e.g. deaths, hull loss and associated costs were experienced by the air operators. It is also possible that the airport operator could experience the costs. This could happen in case the air operators decided to file a suit against the airport operator since he had failed in providing a secure airport operating structure. In addition, one could inquire whether it was affordable to provide ground radar in principle. A court would have seen this as a minor cost. This is proved by the fact that ground radar was installed after the accident. Therefore, it was affordable and thriftily acceptable to provide ground r adar. Works Cited Ashraf, Mozayan. The Forensic Laboratory Handbook Procedures and Practice. New York: Springer, 2010.Print. Brooks, Jamyn. Gravitation, Discovery of its Cause and Mechanism. London: J. W. Arrow Smith, 1977. Print. Burton, Ian, Rachel Kates, and Gerald White. The Environment as a Hazard. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978. Print. Clark, Williams. â€Å"Lessons for Ecological Policy Design: a Case Study of ecosystem management.† Ecological Modelling 7 (1972): 1-5 Douglas, Mark and Albert Widavsky. Risk and Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982. Print. Kahneman, Dupe, Paul Slovic, and Andrew Tversky. Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982. Print. Nelkin, Duke. â€Å"The Political Impact of Technical Expertise.† Social Studies of Science 5 (1975): 35-54 Reinout, Willem. The Cause and Mechanism of Igneous Intrusion: With Some Scottish Examples. London: Sage, 1937. Print. Schwing, Ri chard and Walter Albers. Societal Risk Assessment. New York: Planum Press, 1980. Print. Slovic, Paul, Sarah Lichtensten, and Baruch Fischhoff. â€Å"Risk and Environment.† Management Science (1984) 30: 464 Slovic, Paul. â€Å"Perception of Risk.† Science 241(1987): 280-285. â€Å"Subject notes and study guide for risk perception and analysis.† Swinburne University of Technology Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Science 3/08/ 2011. Print (Lecture notes). Trevor—Roper, Reagan. The European Witch Craze of the 16th and 17th Centuries and other Essays. New York: Harper and Row, 1968. Print. This assessment on Risk Perception and Analysis was written and submitted by user Adr1an to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.